Snotty Nose and goopy eyes equals NO FUN

I took Bug to the doctor on Friday morning. The doctor gave her a prescription for an antibiotic eye ointment and a "You get to decide if she needs this" basically she was pretty sure it is a viral infection, however since it was Friday she wanted me to have the option of giving her something if it got worse.

Needless to say, the prescription is sitting by my purse in waiting.

I had made plans for Friday night (in my head.) I was going to call Hairball and see if she would come hang out with me. I need some girl time, I NEED some away from baby time. I have been in RARE form this week, blaming it on not enough sleep, the heat, etc. I think the biggest problem is that I am in need of some serious ME time.

Well, last night didn't work because after bringing my sweet sleeping baby home, she steadily got worse over the afternoon. She started oozing out of her nose, she started sneezing, and her temperature has steadily rose to hover at 100. She is sick. Once again my sweet, breastfed (supposed to be healthier) baby is just miserable. Which means by default I am miserable.

Today I am going out. I am NOT sitting here, and getting more and more tense. I need some me time, I need it like a heroin junkie NEEDS a needle. If I do not, well its going to be bad. So no plans for me, just a get out of the house, which is going to suck for one reason and that is the UNGODLY heat! (Try a high of 117! is predicted.) I am going to a mall, with airconditioning, and lots of silly stores to walk in. I might venture to see a movie (I want to see Pirates of the Carribean 2- mmmm Orlando Bloom AND Johnny Depp, does it get better?!) All I know is that I am out of the house, and baby free for a few hours today!


tif-do said...

No it doesn't get any better, than that, hmmm, Johnny Depp. I too would like a get away, being stuck in the house with four kids all summer has started to take it's tole. I daydream about hopping in my car and driving until I run out of gas. Then reality hits. Have fun at the mall.

Briep said...

i am going to see it in a couple minutes! YAY baby FREE

TLC said...

Did you make it out of the house?? Did you get your johnny and orlando fill?

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