If its not one thing....

Its another, right?
Well it appears that our dear little Buggie has contracted conjunctivitis (more commonly known as PINK EYE.) Yesterday morning she awoke with her right eye glued shut with green goop. Today it was the same, only it keeps dripping that nasty stuff. So I wipe, and I wash, and I wipe and I wash. Never ending merry-go-round of trying to keep her from rubbing her poor little eyes out.

The left eye has a bit of goo in it also now, and she has a doctor's appointment for 9:20 in the morning. I am not looking forward to the drops (and hopefully no antibiotics! We JUST got over those!) Hopefully we can avoid getting it, I am sure Rhayn will have it soon, and Will said his eyes were goopy the other morning.

I am sorry for anyone we have come in contact with that may have contracted it also! SOOOO SORRY!


Mid-life Midwife said...

squirt the breastmilk in here eye! serious!! old wive's tale that works! all those glorious antibodies! i wouldn't do it in front of your doctor. :)

purplelurple said...

Poor baby! I am so sorry for her she seems to have gotten sick with alot of stuff lately.

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