9 Month Newsletter

Dearest Bug,

You are now nine months old. This month has been a big one, you had your first round of antibiotics, you went on your first camping trip, and last night, you had your very first night away from me (ok, it was only 5 hours, but it felt like an eternity!)

Lets look back on the past weeks, ok? You are finally interested in food, and then you get sick. So father’s day we have to take you to the urgent care to make sure you are ok because your temperature was soaring around 104. You were so hot that it burned to kiss your forehead. They gave you antibiotics which gave you diarrhea and a yeast infection, what fun that was. This all happened the week before our great family reunion camping trip.

Luckily, you seemed all cleared up just in time for the camping trip, so we went. You were a little scared at first. There were so many new faces, so many people who wanted to hold you and you didn’t want to be held at all. If it had been up to you, you would have spent the whole time in the dirt, tasting it and all the rocks and twigs you could find.

There was a moment when we walked over to my cousin, Carter, and I had just picked you up from playing in the dirt so I was telling him how you liked to eat rocks. I looked at you and you had your mouth clamped shut and it looked like you were sucking on something. So I pressed on your cheeks, like popping a pimple, and out pops a little rock. You yelled at me as I swiped it from your chipmunk cheeks. “Ehhhh!!!!” you screeched. I think I like you too much to let you choke on a rock, ok?

On our last night camping we played pass the baby. You went from me to my mom, to my dad to your Uncle G’Rat. Then he would come close to my dad again and you would repeat it backwards. I figured it was because a) you were tired and b) you wanted to get down and play in the dirt. It made my mom feel good because you really don’t reach for her often. You still do not like my grandma, she smiles at you and your bottom lip pops out. It is cute, but my poor grandma, all of the grandkids have always liked her but not you and not my cousin’s daughter Madison (yes there are actually 3 little Madisons in our family all born last summer, although it is one of their middle name not the first. You fit with your middle name, as an M name at least. You are of course the babe in the middle, and the Madison on the right is my cousin's.) I suppose if I had named you Madison, I would have gotten the brown-eyed baby I wanted so badly. Oh well, I do love you immeasurably even if your eyes are blue. You will always get comments about how pretty your eyes are, mostly by passersby with chocolate eyes.

Your cousin Madder can stand up, and she has taken a few steps. She stands unsupported in the middle of the room. She is so petite that is looks wrong. While you still cling to the coffee table, our legs and your sister to support you. You have been standing longer then Madder, with support. It is so fascinating to see the different development.

Rhayn walked at 9 and a half months, so you have 2 weeks baby to beat her. Luckily for me, it seems that you are NOT QUITE there yet. I am happy to report that. Rhayn was so busy, she was always in a hurry. You aren’t. You are totally willing to lay in my arms and snuggle me a lot of the time. You are almost always willing to stop and give me a hug on your way by, too. You are my little snuggle buggle. And I love it.

The Mama

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