IRL? or Online?

Have you ever had an online friend?
Someone that you talked to on a realy regular basis? But that when you finally see a picture of them they are totally different that what you had pictured? I think its weird. I have a few online pals, ones I have chatted with for years. I try to picture them in their different homes, across the world, typing away at computers. I try to picture them using pictures they have sent to me or my group. These women that I feel so in touch with sometimes and so distant from at others. They are my friends, and honestly I would feel quite lost without them.


Briep said...

i have had a couple of those... I ended up marrying one of them:-D I am not suggesting that you marry a chick off the internet though!

purplelurple said...

I was with ur bro and now look at us I can't live with out him. And now i talk to all my friends down there and my sisters online but I have never truely had any just online friends unless U count the friends we have made while playing World of Warcraft.

leaner said...

I figure if I am careful, they never really know where I live, so I am safe. Plus I need some friends. I would REALLY prefer them to be IRL! but I won't turn down the online ones!

dacheese. Good, although Will is COMVINCED that I chat with chcks on the internet and meet them from trysts all fo the time. I say some girl is hot once or twice... and man I will never live it down. Or maybe he knows something i don't?

If you talk to your WOW friends outside of the WOW world, they count as friends!

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