Its Friday, right? I mean I finally made it to Friday, and tomorrow I don't have to rouse myself and a sleeping man-child from bed to sip coffee in the near dark while watching CNN Headline news. It means we can wake up when we wake up. We can sip coffee and watch CNN Headline news a little later. We don't have to part ways for the day, we can sit and talk and snuggle on the couch, if we so desire.
Weekends are nice, aren't they? We have projects to finish, and I really should be cleaning my house, so that I don't have to this weekend, and so that I can totally be there to help Will tomorrow paint the patio cover. We. Are. Finally. Almost. Done! FINALLY! It has been an ongoing project for so long, we finally purchased the paint, to match our house, purchased the sconces to shed light on our backyard. We still need to purchase ceiling fans to keep it from baking us in the summer. But the end is so close we can almost see it.
Yesterday, after having to throw my baby in a sink because she was covered in curry colored poop, I looked at all of her ruined onesies. They all have a large poop stain across the back, rather like Will's nasty deodorant armpit stains on his undershirts. So what to do about them? WIll's shirts I have found no solution. I have been told to rub aspirin on them once a month (right, because I have that much time!) So I looked at her onesies. I thought, "Hm, its curry

A New Art should be the title to this one! Great stuff! I do like that look too, now it's time to get creative and make designs w/ it!
Nakey baby!
Look at her BACK FAT ROLLS! LOL!! She totally has BFR!
I still haven't seen nakey baby pics of Madder!
I know I would put some up right now but I am on the lap top not the home comp. I need to remember later!
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