Well its happened, Bug is officially a whole month older. Insane! How time flies....
She laughs now, and that makes it fun to play with her.
She also voices her frustrations, telling me when its time to pick her up or put her down. She is getting a personality and its slow development is so neat to watch!
Just yesterday she showed us her cry, because she poked herself in the right eye and it was not fun and she was NOT happy about it! So She screamed and yelled, and for a little while I had no idea what had actually happened- only knew that she was very unhappy (as she is right this moment.)

Rolling over is still out of her reach, she really hasn't even tried. Then again, she isn't a fan of tummy time, usually she screams at me and then I pick her up. I am PERFECTLY happy with her not rolling over, Rhayn was a master of it by 3 months. Bug is much more interested in talking and in seeing. She wants to check out her world, and gets mad when she is not positioned in a way that helps her see her world.
Today I showed her "the baby in the mirror" and she was enthralled. Coos and gurgles and ah-goos all over the place. It worked well to calm her, because she has her first cold. (Thanks to Will's work!) The past few days have been full of fussiness, and sleeping. She is congested and not happy. I can't wait for it to be over. Will and I both have it, and its hard to get projects done when you are feeling under the weather.
Rhayn continues to be a perfect big sister, although lately she has started trying to play with Bug and she plays too roughly. Its not like she means to hurt Bug, she just doesn't know how to play nicely.
It has been an awesome three months, and I just love that she is mine and I get to have her for much longer. Bug is the best baby- she is exactly what I wanted. Fat, calm, and snuggly.
All I can say is LUCKY! but I love my colicy baby!It is teaching me a whole lot!
patience is a virtue and most of us don't have it!
I love your Madder, too. It always amazes me how different they are! I have to email you the dream I had the other night!
hooray for fat baby!! Hi, i am in holbrook and was able to hop online for a short while and well uhmm that is about it. Happy day and stuff. It was so neat to have will play games with us on Christmas. He couldn't fully hide that he was having fun.
ah so that is where you are, hairball... i tried to call you because Valerie wanted to talk to you..........
I got your dream! I think it is funny! I understand why you had that dream... I keep having dreams about High School and I think it is because I never really finished even though I graduated I didnt finish in My HS with my class mates!
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