Everything is going so well. I mean aside from not sleeping and being SOOO irritable (I am so glad that my family loves me and knows that this meanie isn't really me!)
Gwen is nursing like crazy, its so weird and awesome. But since I am engorged at the moment- well they are achey and HUGE! I forgot how HUGE breasts can get!
I am working on writing a birth story, because I have so much to say, and I had so much support. Maybe even post a picture (because I have one or two from when I was in labor, and lots of me naked after she was born! Whew- they sure weren't kidding about modesty flying out the window. I think the student midwife asked me if I wanted something to put on and I THINK I told her I didn't care. I really didn't want anyone to leave me!)
Physically I am so exhausted, my back hurts terribly. I feel lazy, because I am REALLY trying to follow my midwife's orders to REST, the whole "Queen for a week" thing. Its hard, I am not used to just letting the house, not go because my mom has been picking up, but I want to help. I am not dead or broken (really) so I feel rather useless.
Last night Gwen decided that she wanted to nurse every hour. I guess in some ways I am thankful because it helped a little with the breast pain. She finally really fell asleep and let me sleep for 3 hours about 1 am.
Rhayn has been such a good big sister. She wants to make sure Gwen is ok, and she wants to hold her all of the time. Its sweet. I knew she would be. She is also a 4 year old, and bored and stir crazy. She wants to play and go places. She is not used to staying home so much. I am so proud of her.
Well I guess I will go. I am still so tired...
It's so good to hear from you! I hope you can enjoy your time and keep yourself content with being lazy and nursing! I too forgot how big breast can get when they fill up!!!! Can't wait to hear your birth story. I'm so happy you were able to have her at home with much support!
Aww you can see her eyes in that one! I am so proud of you, though hearing you go through that made me worried about having baby... But they after holding her and seeing how happy everyone was I got excited again! She still wont come out to play:-(
she looks more like Rhayn in that one...
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