Gratitude Monday

I missed last week and it showed in my life. I need this weekly reminder of the good things I have in my life. Lets see what we can come up with this week, shall we?
I am thankful for these things:
  • Playdates, they break up the monotony of the week and give the girls something to look forward to.
  • My health. Really aside from occasional and tolerable migraines and some mild allergies, I am healthy.
  • Listening to Gwennie play in the tub.
  • Kids' bravery. This week, even though Gwennie was scared of the diving board, she went to swim lessons with minimal fuss every day. She frets about it, but she goes anyway. On Saturday Rhayn had a ballet performance and that requires a lot of bravery, too. She did an excellent job and didn't seem nervous at all. I may dislike taking her every week to lessons, but I can see the good it brings to her.
  • Will, it was his birthday on Friday. I'm not sure why but his birthdays always seem to be hard on him, but he put on a happy face for us. Even though it was his birthday he stopped to help one of our friends with a computer problem and grilled up a bunch of chicken tikka. Plus, he is just doing so much right now that I can't even begin to explain my gratitude for him and all his accomplishments.

1 comment:

Mommy-To-Be said...

It's always good to stop and realize the things your happy for. I was reading this poll, if every time you're feeling down, you should write down 5 things your great full for (truly happy for) and put it somewhere where you see it everyday; the happiness that will come to you is wonderful!


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